Full legal name of organisation in native language Arbejdsmarkeds- og Voksenuddannannelses- Afdelingen
Name of organisation in English language Funen County Administration, The Department of Labour Market Affairs and Adult Education
Acronym AVA
Country Denmark
Country code DK
Organisation address Amtsgaarden Oerbaekvej 100 5220 Odense SOE, Denmark
Last and first name of the contact person Bretner Anne
Title and position in the organisation Advisor
Phone (include country and area codes) (+45) 6556 1430
Fax (include country and area codes) (+45) 6556 1056
E-mail address abr@ava.fyns-amt.dk
Home page address www.fyns-amt.dk

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

The Department of Labour Market Affairs and Adult Education is a department is a section of the County Funen, one of the 14 regional authorities in Denmark. The department is in charge of the 10 adult educational centres in this island as well as activities in the field of job creation and training of unemployed people.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

There are 30 employees ( full-time jobs) in the Department of Labour Market Affairs and Adult Education.

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

The department has initiated research and development in adult education in cooperation with the adult education centres in Funen. Besides the department is in charge of the Open Computer Workshop of Women in Odense - an institution which is involved in many international projects concerning unemployed women. Moreover the department has experiences with international projects though cooperation with The Association of Polish Adult Educators and The Association of Lithuanian Adult Educators.

International projects :

Name of the project: Basic course on andragogy and preparation for development of adult education centres in ten counties in Lithuania. Baltic Small Project Facility-programme).
Project duration:  1999
Participants: Lithuania:10 counties, 4 municipalities, Denmark: Funen County.

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