Full legal name of organisation in native language ΣΥNΛLΣΜΟΣ EΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ
Name of organisation in English language Cyprus Adult Education Association Non profit association
Acronym SEEK
Country Cyprus
Country code CY
Organisation address Nicosia
Last and first name of the contact person Symeonides Klytos
Title and position in the organisation


Phone (include country and area codes)

+35 72 800800

Fax (include country and area codes)

+35 72 486714

E-mail address


Home page address  

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

Cyprus Adult Education Association Non profit association (international.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

1 Full TIME, 2 no full time.

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

Cyprus Adult Education Association (CAEA) is a non governmental organisation which deals with the promotion of Adult Education in Cyprus. Is a national body, member of the European Association for Adult Education. The CAEA promotes relations with other countries by organizing study visits and cooperates closely with the Adults Educations Centres of the Ministry of Education, the programme which organizers thousand of learning groups. The association uses a lot of volunteers including myself. We have a lot of experience in promoting projects and cooperating with others. I am a member of the Executive Board of the European Association for Adult Education and I have an M.A. in Adult Education.

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