Full legal name of organisation in native language

Università Popolare di Roma Upter

Name of organisation in English language

Popular University of Rome

Acronym UPTER
Country Italy
Country code IT
Organisation address  
Last and first name of the contact person Francesca Landi
Title and position in the organisation Assistant and Project Manager
Phone (include country and area codes) 066920043310
Fax (include country and area codes) 066780702
E-mail address Landi@upter.it 
Home page address www.upter.it

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

Upter is a non-profit association whose aim since its creation has been to make a new contribution in the field of non formal adult education. In the 15 years since its creation it has been gradually transformed from a third-age university to a people’s university based on the European model. The work it has done in the field has earned it qualifying recognition from government institutions, so that in some cases it has become the privileged reference point with regard to adult education. Its presence over a wide area, the strategic social ground it has occupied, exchanges and international relations, and the use of high technology has transformed Upter into an association which is in the vanguard of the adult education field.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

  The didactic organisation is divided into departments: linguistic, art history and archaeology, health, art-music-performance, human sciences, economic-technical-scientific, physical activities and sports, into which are organised subjects originating from the same root. Particular attention is paid to language teaching and opportunities for learning Italian for foreigners and non-community immigrants who can acquire language skill certification through the C.I.L.S. examination, a diploma which is authorised by the University for Foreigners of Siena. The innovative services offered by Upter include psychological guidance services with its Listening Centre, language teaching and physical activities and sports. Supplementary activities of the various departments include guided tours, theatre ticket services, trips and seminars.

International projects

Name of the project - Strategies for the homogeneity of the formative offer and of the orientation praxis: Comparison of experiences;
Project duration 2002-2003
Participants Spain, Lithuania, Italy

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