Full legal name of organisation in native language Jurbarko moteru samburis
Name of organisation in English language

Jurbarkas Women’s Organisation

Acronym JWO
Country Lithuania
Country code LT 
Organisation address

S.Dariaus ir S. Gireno 89-28

Last and first name of the contact person

Adomaitiene Nijole

Title and position in the organisation head
Phone (include country and area codes)


Fax (include country and area codes)


E-mail address


Home page address  

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

Local organisation (non-governmental organisation) working in the area women’s problems.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

Aim of Jurbarkas Women’s Organisation is to defend women’s rights, to participate in community life.

Directions: educational, training, consultation, social welfare, self-help, informative, publishing, academic, club, cultural..

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