Full legal name of organisation in native language Kaszubski Uniwersytet Ludowy
Name of organisation in English language

Kashubian Folk High School

Acronym KFHS


Country code


Organisation address


Last and first name of the contact person Maliszewski Tomash
Title and position in the organisation Project leader
Phone (include country and area codes) +48 58 684 38 14
Fax (include country and area codes)

+48 58 684 38 01

E-mail address Wiezyca@kfhs.com.pl
Home page address  

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

Kashubian Folk High School (KFHS) runs its business within Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie (Kashubian and Pomeranian Association), a registered association of NGO-NPO type. The pedagogic supervision over KFHS is held by the regional Department of Education in Gdañsk (KFHS is registered in the group of non-public educational institutions).

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

1 full-time employed staff members at KFHS and 6 no full-time employed.

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

Statutory aims of Kashubian Folk High School functioning involve educational and cultural activities for Kashubian and Pomerania regions development.
The main objectives are:

stimulating of the local democracy development and civic education;

arranging of the projects connected with European integration;

cultural education and cultivating of the modern regionalism;

environmental education and sharping of the balanced eco-development;

educational projects for rular communities – mainly at the level self-government.

Many of the projects are executed together with foreign partners – coming both from European Union (e.g. Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden) and the Central and Eastern Europe (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary). As forms of our activity are similar to those carried out in Swedish folkhögskolor, Kashubian Folk High School often co-operates with such institutions..

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