Full legal name of organisation in native language Lietuvos suaugusiøjø ðvietimo asociacija- LSÐA
Name of organisation in English language The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education
Acronym LAAE
Country Lithuania
Country code LT
Organisation address Gelezinio Vilko 12, 2600 Vilnius
Last and first name of the contact person Krivickiene Vita
Title and position in the organisation The director of the information centre of the LAAE, Kaunas branch
Phone (include country and area codes) (+370 7 ) 331912
Fax (include country and area codes) (+370 2) 619131
E-mail address Vitak@ktk.lt
Home page address

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (LAAE) is Non-profit national association (ASS.1).

The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education participates in the formulation of the adult education policy of Lithuania, provides information about the problems of adult education to the media , supports and organises teaching, researching, and consulting programs, publishes methodological and informational articles and journals.

These activities are carried out through ten (10) established regional information centers. The LAAE also organises seminars, and training courses on adult education and qualifies adult educators. It collaborates with European and world-wide Adult Education Associations and individuals. It chooses and recommends the country’s educators who will take part in study tours for exchange teachers and students with in other countries.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

A total of 13 people are employed, equivalent to 7 full-time positions. The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education is the umbrella organisation for 9 juridical and 210 individual members.

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

International co-operation - German Adult Education Association (Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschulverbandes -IIZ/DVV), the largest German Adult Education Association with long international experience and big world wide network; Nordic Folk Academy (Gothenburg, Sweden), projects - New Methods in Adult Education, Environmental Education, Baltic NGO leaders training, Nordic - Baltic NGO Network; PHARE democracy program (Brussels), project "Civic Education as a Means Towards Democratic Society" together with Latvian Adult Education Association and German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV), started in 1997. LAAE - A Member of the European Adult Education Association (E.A.E.A.) since 1993.The LAAE will organise a series of lectures for the Social Innovation Fund about the newest teaching methods for adults. It will organise a series of Distance Learning courses which will be held at the Kaunas information center of Adult Education.

International projects

Name of the project -New Methods in Adult Education, Environmental Education, Baltic NGO leaders, training, Nordic - Baltic NGO Network;
Project duration 1995-1999
Participants Sweden, Latvia, Estija

Name of the project: PHARE democracy program (Brussels), project "Civic Education as a Means Towards Democratic Society
Project duration 1997-2000
Participants Latvian Adult Education Association and German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV),

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