Full legal name of organisation in native language NORDENS FOLKLIGA AKADEMI
Name of organisation in English language Nordic Folk Academy
Acronym NFA
Country Sweden
Country code SE
Organisation address Gö teborg
Last and first name of the contact person Carlsen Antra
Title and position in the organisation Project leader
Phone (include country and area codes) (+46) 31 695644
Fax (include country and area codes) (+46) 31 690950
E-mail address antra@nfa.se
Home page address www.nfa.se

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

The Nordic Folk Academy is Adult or continuing education provider (EDU.5) and Non-profit association (international) (ASS.2).

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

14,4 full-time employed staff members at NFA

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

The Nordic Folk Academy (NFA) is a meeting place for adult educators and functions as a course and development centre for Nordic and international popular and adult education. The aim of the NFA is to foster and develop co-operation among adult educators in the Nordic countries as well as between the Nordic countries and the adjacent areas (Baltic countries and Northwest Russia), and also between the Nordic and other European countries. Courses and conferences organised by NFA deal with the newest developments in adult pedagogy, offer continuing education to teachers and leaders from all the spheres of adult education, and work for increasing the access and democratic provision of education possibilities to all groups of the society. The Nordic Folk Academy fosters the exchange of opinion and good practices in the shift from education to lifelong learning, from the provision of education to active participation and own responsibility for learning.

Lecturers, course leaders and project leaders come from Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Latvia. All NFA courses are open to those who are interested, besides NFA makes also tailor-made education taking into account the wishes and needs of special target groups.

International projects

TERMINTEA - Adult Education Terminology
The NFA is involved as a partner in this project, the purpose of which is to establish a data base of terms used in formal and non-formal adult education. It contains translations between the Nordic languages and several European languages. So far the data base exists on a CD-ROM that can be ordered from the NFA. The data base is also planned to be working on the Internet. See: http://hem1.passagen.se/hhoven/

Nordic studies in adult pedagogy
This education is organised as a pilot project and is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The students meet for five one-week modules, one in each of the Nordic countries, in the course of 18 months. The resulting diploma equals 20 weeks of full-time studies.

Projects relating to the adjacent areas

  1. Adjacent areas scholarships
    The task is to organise tailor-made study visits in the Nordic countries for 15 Baltic/Russian participants.
  2. New methods in adult education
    A two-week course will be organised in the Baltic countries for 30 adult educators from the Baltic countries and Russia.
  3. NGO leader education
    The education combines a two-week course in the Baltic countries with a one-week practice placement in NGOs in the Nordic countries.
  4. Baltic-Nordic network
    The task is to organise two network meetings for 30 Nordic and Baltic leaders of umbrella organisations.

NFA contact: Antra Carlsen

LECO - Learning through European Cooperation on ODL
The project makes a survey of the successful research and development work that has been done in the field of open and distance learning. NFA contact: Anna Vallgårda

IMITATE - Innovative Methods in Teaching Adults Today in Europe
This project, co-ordinated by the NFA, offers studies in adult education methods, organised as seven modules that are presented by seven different adult education institutions throughout Europe. NFA contact: Jan S¸rlie

Public and Library
The project looks at possibilities of transforming libraries into lifelong learning arenas that can both supply information and contribute job-related service. See: http://x-stream.fortunecity.com/melrose/81/index.html.htm. NFA contact: Kerstin Dahlén

Training of Trainers
The NFA is a partner in this project, which will involve participants from the Baltic countries, Russia and the Western Nordic areas.

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