Full legal name of organisation in native language Naiskoolituse Keskus
Name of organisation in English language Women’s Training Center
Acronym WTC Estonia
Country Estonia
Country code EE
Organisation address Turu 6a-13, Tallin 10113, Eesti
Last and first name of the contact person Reet Laja
Title and position in the organisation Chair Women’s Training Center
Phone (include country and area codes) (372) 6 269 850
Fax (include country and area codes) (372) 6 269 854
E-mail address Valejuk@infonet.ee, laja@online.ee, riinak@sm.ee
Home page address

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

The Women's Training Centre(WTC) is a non-profit organisation, an NGO. The main area of activity is to provide women-targeted courses on a variety of subjects (total number of trainees up until today about 3,000) including:

bulletBusiness courses (start-up, marketing, financial management, accounting, business expansion, etc).
bulletBusiness promotion (mentoring, contact seminars, and also international seminars involving female business owners from Finland, Sweden, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and St Petersburg).
bulletPolitical training including women's participation in public life and political campaigns.
bulletTraining on presentation skills, building self-confidence, networking, etc).
bulletTraining for building a civil society.

The WTC's members are actively involved in a range of women- and adult-education related training schemes, including gender mainstreaming, the Estonian educational policy, and job creation for women in economically disadvantaged areas of Estonia, etc. A number of projects were conducted throughout Estonia thanks to excellent co-operation with the majority of Estonian women’s NGOs (total 160), female parliamentarians, and high-ranking female officials.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

The organisation has seven members, five of them are board members. Full- and part-time employment depends upon the number of on-going projects and varies over time. The organisation collaborates with about twenty well-known lecturers in Estonia. It has an active network of 40 volunteers. The equivalent of less then one full-time employee will take part in this project.

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

The organisation has been extensively involved in foreign-funded projects. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the WTC has run women-oriented projects funded by the British Know-How Fund, the US-Baltic Foundation, the US Embassy in Tallinn, Sida in Sweden, Minerva Foundation in Sweden (under the Leonardo scheme), the Finnish Embassy in Estonia. Several projects are currently in the application phase. The members of the WTC have been extensively involved in preparing the National Report for the Beijing Conference on Women and arranging post-Beijing conferences in Estonia to promote women's empowerment.

International projects

Name of project: Promotion of women’s entrepreneurship
Project duration: 1990-1991
Participants: Estonia, Sweden

Name of project: Business start-ups
Project duration:
United Kingdom, Estonia (financed by the British Know-How Fund)

Name of project: Women’s integration into public life
Project duration:
Estonia (financed by the UNDP)

Name of project: Promotion of women into positions of power
Project duration: 1996-1997
Participants: Estonia (financed by the US-Baltic Foundation)

Name of project: Women as decision-makers
Project duration: 1998
Participants: (financed by the US Embassy in Estonia)

Name of project: Women in politics
Project duration:
Estonia, Sweden (financed by SIDA)

Name of project: Mentorship programme to advance women in decision-making positions (Leonardo da Vinci)
Project duration: 1999-2001
Participants: Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia

Name of project: Data-base of Estonian women-owned businesses and mentorship scheme
Project duration: 1999
Participants: Estonia (financed by the Finnish Embassy in Estonia)

Name of project: Promotion of business contacts between Estonian and St Petersburg businesswomen
Project duration: 2000
Participants: Estonia, Russia, St Petersburg (financed by the Soros Foundation)

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