Full legal name of organisation in native language

Ädelfors folkhögskola

Name of organisation in English language

Adelfors Folk High School

Country Sweden
Country code SE
Organisation address 570 15 Holsbybrunn, Sweden
Last and first name of the contact person Pelle Nordin
Title and position in the organisation Vice Rector
Phone (include country and area codes) 0383/571 09
Fax (include country and area codes) 0383/50065
E-mail address pelle.nordin@adelfors.fhsk.se
Home page address www.adelfors.fhsk.se

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)

Ädelfors folk high school is one of 147 different schools in Sweden. The base in folk high school is long term courses with a lot of different subjects. Schools also have special courses as freetime-leader, jounalist, music, information, handicap and a lot of creativ courses as painting, ceramic etc. Folk high schools also have a great number of short courses 1 day to about 2 weeks, often in cooperation with popular organisations. About 250.000 persons take part in folk high schools long and short courses every year.

Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation

  2/3 of folk high school owns by different popular movements, Ädelfors Folk High School owns by labour movement in the southern parts of Sweden.
Democracy and peoples education is important part of cooperation with other countries what could give a great experiences how we could think about liberal, free and non-formal education in new ways.

International projects

Name of the project - Swedish –Lithuanian project: Development of Youth organisations
Project duration 2002-2003
Participants Lithuania, Sweden


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