Full legal name of organisation in native language


Name of organisation in English language

Women's Enterprise Agency

Country Finland
Country code FIN
Organisation address Kaisaniemenkatu 1 Ba 71
FIN-00100 Helsinki
Last and first name of the contact person Nyberg Ritva
Title and position in the organisation Managing Director
Phone (include country and area codes) + 358 9 54 224466, Mobile +358 400 489 064
Fax (include country and area codes) + 358 9 54 224455
E-mail address Ritva.nyberg@nyek.inet.fi
Home page address www.naisyrittajyyskeskus.fi 

Type of organisation (legal status, main areas and type of activity)


Size of organisation, in terms of the total number of personnel (use full-time equivalents)

Evidence of experience of the organisation of the women’s employment issues and experience in international co-operation


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