Our achievements to date and our outstanding track record would not have been possible without the long-term support both moral and financial from one of the founders of the Social Innovation Fund – Stichting GAMMA Dienstverlening, the Netherlands.
We also received a lot of support from public and private bodies from the other European countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden. A special thanks for the Nordic Council of Ministers and US Government (the USAID in particular) for providing opportunity for representatives of the SIF to participate in many different trainings, seminars, and conferences since 1995. It included twelve long and short term study visits and trainings in the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and a 5-week study visit to the USA offered to the SIF Director in 1997 and supported by the USAID.
A lot of trainings were organized for Lithuanian NGOs in Lithuania as well by the above mentioned supporters during the period 1995-2004. All these activities gave a possibility to the SIF’s staff to acquire a valuable knowledge, skills, and competencies in managing and developing projects, fundraising and assisting social disadvantaged persons. We are grateful to our partners and supporters for a very efficient financial and technical assistance that has allowed the Social Innovation Fund to grow and accelerate professionally.